21-44: Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter Restriction


Certain sellers were recently informed that Fannie Mae has revised their policy on direct Desktop Underwriter (DU) licenses. Starting soon, only approved direct seller/servicers will be able to have a direct DU license. Any entity that does have a current DU license and is not an approved direct seller is being contacted to discuss replacement of DU with Desktop Originator (DO).

PennyMac wants to remind all of our correspondents that we fully support sponsorship through Fannie Mae Desktop Originator. Our delivery requirements, including dual agency UCDP and UCD submission, remain intact for loans delivered under with Sponsored DO findings.

Please refer to the following FNMA resource links for full information on the Desktop Originator (DO) program.



Please also refer to the following guide for PennyMac’s DO Sponsorship process and requirements.


Please contact your Account Executive or Pipeline Account Manager for more details.